Roxana & Marian – The Brick
Toate povestile frumoase pe care mama mi le citea in copilarie aveau un happy ending: printul, cavalerul, broscoiul 🙂 facea el cumva si cucerea inima printesei, toata lumea traia fericita pana la adanci batraneti 🙂
Nu stiu daca Roxana a ajuns prima la inima lui Marian sau invers, tot ce stiu este ca sigur povestea lor a inceput cu un ” happy ending” la un festival si de atunci traiesc o frumoasa poveste de dragoste , iar asta se vede de la o posta. Dintre cei doi, Roxana este partea romantica pe cand Marian este acel party guy, nu stiu daca i-au scapat multe petreceri faine la viata lui :). Nu ma credeti pe cuvant, va invit sa vedeti mai jos sa vedeti cum s-au distrat cei doi alaturi de o gasca super faina, enjoy!
Roxana, Marian, va multumesc pentru ca ati asteptat cu multa rabdare fotografiile finale si pentru ca mi-ati acordat increderea voastra in a documenta nebunia de nunta pe care ati avut-o :). Va doresc sa ramaneti la fel de nebuni si frumosi cum v-am cunoscut eu intr-o seara de Mai si sper sa aveti parte impreuna doar de povesti cu happy ending 🙂
Cu drag,
All the beautiful stories that my mother used to read to me as a child had a happy ending: the prince, the knight, the frog 🙂 he somehow managed to win the heart of the princess, everyone lived happily ever after 🙂
I don’t know if Roxana reached Marian’s heart first or vice versa, all I know is that their story surely started with a “happy ending” at a festival and since then, they have been living a beautiful love story, and this can be seen from far away. Roxana is the romantic part, while Marian is that party guy, I don’t know if he missed many cool parties in his life :). Don’t take my word for it, I invite you to look below to see how the two had fun together with a super cool gang, enjoy!
Roxana, Marian, thank you for patiently waiting for the final photos and for trusting me to document the crazy wedding you had :). I wish you to remain as crazy and beautiful as I met you one evening in May and I hope that you will have only happy ending stories together 🙂
With love,